
Showing posts from February, 2020

Nurse Eric -Bedside Skills - Implementing A Fluid Restriction

Nurse Eric - Bedside Skills Implementing A Fluid Restriction  Introduction "How can you allow me to become dehydrated like this? I feel like you are trying to kill me. I need water." Have you ever been a patient and felt like this? Have you ever had a patient who's said something like this? Has a family member ever accused you of being a criminal for withholding water from their loved one? Do your patients often complain when they've run out of PO fluids by 1600? Are you looking for a better way to manage a fluid restriction? Let's do this! Often Nurses have a patient with a fluid restriction (FR). With the fast pace of nursing care, and hearing out many unhappy, thirsty patients, I've noticed an opportunity for improvement. Let's get into it. SBAR Summary Situation - Patients often feel frustrated when a doctor orders a fluid restriction, especially later in the day when they have already consumed all or most of their daily lim